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  • Spring Modulith vs Microservices: Understanding the Differences
  • Modular architecture: Breaks down the application into smaller, independent modules
  • Domain-driven design: Each module represents a specific domain or subdomain
  • Shared kernel: Modules share a common infrastructure and framework (e.g., Spring Boot)
  • In-process communication: Modules communicate with each other through method calls or events
  • Single deployment unit: The entire application is deployed as a single unit
  • Service-oriented architecture: Breaks down the application into smaller, independent services
  • Loose coupling: Services communicate through APIs or message queues
  • Autonomy: Each service is responsible for its own domain logic and data
  • Organized around business capabilities: Services align with specific business capabilities
  • Multiple deployment units: Each service is deployed independently
Modulith vs Microservices
  • Smaller to medium-sized applications: Spring Modulith is suitable for applications with a smaller codebase and fewer teams.
  • Tight coupling between modules: When modules need to share data or logic, Spring Modulith’s in-process communication is beneficial.
  • Simplified deployment: When a single deployment unit is preferred, Spring Modulith is a good choice.
  • Large-scale applications: Microservices are ideal for complex, large-scale applications with multiple teams and services.
  • Loose coupling between services: When services need to operate independently, Microservices’ inter-process communication is suitable.
  • High scalability: When services require independent scaling, Microservices are the better choice.

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