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Creating sites, the Jamstack way In recent years, the web development landscape has seen a transformative shift towards Jamstack architecture. Jamstack, which stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup, offers a powerful and efficient approach to building modern

Over half of respondents in a recent global poll said they would utilize this emerging technology for sensitive areas like financial planning and medical guidance despite concerns that it is rife with hallucinations, disinformation, and bias. Different

Service in Kubernetes A Service is an object (the same way that a Pod or a ConfigMap is an object). You can create, view or modify Service definitions using the Kubernetes API. Usually you use a tool such as kubectl to

Embracing Efficiency and Flexibility with API-First Development Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, innovation and efficiency are paramount. One of the methodologies that has gained significant traction in recent years is API-first development. By

Description: Learn how to unlock the full potential of Spring Boot applications with horizontal scaling. Discover essential strategies, best practices, and tools to design and implement a scalable architecture that can handle increased loads, ensure high availability,

We started developing React React-based front-ui. It was all good during development. Beta Testing exposed a common problem: initial pages were taking a considerable amount of time to load. The front microservice pattern was followed (using module federation), and